Occasionally, Malomo is unable to track a package. This can happen if the package was shipped with a carrier that Malomo does not currently support, if the tracking code supplied is invalid, or if required account credentials are not shared with Malomo.
When Malomo is unable to track a package, that shipment will not register in our system and we will not receive tracking updates. Without updates from the carrier, Malomo will not trigger events and any notifications that rely on our events will not be sent to the customer.
The error code will be displayed on the order details page for the associated order, as well as on the Carrier Triage card within the Active Orders Report. While we recommend reviewing the Active Orders Report regularly to view carrier tracking errors but you may also filter the Orders list by status
to find a list of all orders associated to a particular error status.
Learn more about the Active Orders Report here.
Carrier Tracking Error Statuses
Error Status | Description | Fixes |
| This is an invalid tracking code with the carrier name listed. | |
| In order for tracking information to be shared with Malomo, this carrier requires the shipper’s account credentials to be registered by Malomo. | |
| This is not a carrier Malomo currently supports. See all supported carriers here. |
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To fix a bad_tracking_code_error
, you'll need to confirm that both the carrier name and tracking code are correct. We recommend checking the carrier name first, as a majority of errors are due to oddly formatted carrier names or names that include unique identifiers from 3PLs or fulfillment software.
On the Carrier Triage card within the Active Orders Report, you’ll see a list of the carrier tracking errors sorted by carrier name and showing the number of errors we’ve received. To get a list of shipments with the bad_tracking_code_error
Navigate to the top of the Active Orders Report
Click on the Status filter
Check the
statusScroll down to the Shipments in Transit list. To export this list, click on the three dots on the top right of the Shipments in Transit card.
If you’ve identified a group of shipments with valid tracking codes but are listed with an incorrect carrier name, you have two potential solutions:
Carrier Mapping in Malomo
The Malomo team can internally map carrier name and tracking code formats to a specific carrier for your account. To add a carrier mapping, please email us at help@gomalomo.com or reach out to our team. We’ll work with you to identify the correct carrier mapping and add it to your account.
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Once a carrier mapping has been added to your account, the new carrier name will be displayed throughout the Malomo platform and in all reporting. For example, if an original carrier name of |
Correcting Fulfillment Data in Shopify
Malomo relies on the carrier name and tracking code inputs in Shopify fulfillment data. If the Shopify fulfillment data is showing the incorrect carrier name or tracking code, our system will not work properly. While our carrier mapping process should correct issues, the most foolproof way of prevention is to correct the carrier names and tracking codes within Shopify first. We recommend working with your 3PL or shipping software application to confirm that the correct carrier names are passed to Shopify.
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Many carriers now require third party tracking systems to register a shipper’s account credentials, in order to access to tracking information. To fix a carrier_missing_authentication_error
, you'll need to obtain the necessary credentials and share that with us. Since the credentials needed vary for each carrier, please email us at help@gomalomo.com or reach out to our team to confirm which credentials are needed for your carrier. To see which of our supported carriers require credentials, please look for the lock icon 🔒 in our Supported Carriers list.
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We realize that many merchants are unable to obtain carrier credentials, since their 3PL or shipper owns the account. Malomo is working quickly on expanding our carrier support with the launch of our Extended Carrier Network in June. With this launch, credentials will no longer be needed for the majority of carriers. To learn more, see here. |
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