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We realize that many merchants are unable to obtain carrier credentials, since their 3PL or shipper owns the account. Malomo is working quickly on expanding our carrier support with the launch of For this, Malomo has launched our Extended Carrier Network in June 2024. With this launch, credentials will no longer be needed for the , which allows us to track a majority of carriers without credentials. To learn more, see here. |
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In June 2024, Malomo will be significantly expanding expanded our supported carrier list with the launch of our Extended Carrier Network. Along with adding many new carriers, including small regional and international carriers, our Extended Carrier Network will also remove removes the need for credentials.
Shipments tracked with a carrier in our Extended Carrier Network will be billed at flat rate per shipment and this will be an add-on to your current monthly service fee. Merchants will be required to opt-in to the Extended Carrier Network. To express interest in our opt-in to the Extended Carrier Network and stay up to date on the launch, please fill out complete this form.