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We realize that many merchants are unable to obtain carrier credentials, since their 3PL or shipper owns the account. For this, Malomo has launched our Extended Carrier Network in June 2024, which allows us to track a majority of carriers without credentials. To learn more, see here. |
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Some tracking codes can be tracked with a supported carrier as well. For example, many carriers use a different carrier for first or final mile delivery and those tracking codes can also be tracked with the second carrier. To investigate if Malomo can track an unsupported carrier tracking code with one of our supported carriers, please email us at help@gomalomo.com or reach out to our team to inquire.
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Malomo is working quickly on expanding our supported carriers list with the launch of our We realize that many merchants are unable to obtain carrier credentials, since their 3PL or shipper owns the account. For this, Malomo has launched our Extended Carrier Network in June 2024, which allows us to track a majority of carriers without credentials. To learn more, see here. |
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