Metric | Definition |
Shipments In Flight | Shipments that have yet to be marked delivered broken down by status |
Delivery Performance by Day | Current delivery progress broken down by status and grouped by shipping label creation day |
Total Packages Shipped | Total count of shipments that have were created during the timeframe |
Packages Shipped by Day | Number of packages shipped by carrier broken down by shipping label creation day |
Active Shipments by Carriers | Percentage of total shipments by carrier |
Carrier Triage | List and size of carrier tracking problems issues detected by carrier |
Exceptions by Carrier | Number of exceptions experienced by carrier |
Shipments in Transit List | Full list of active shipment details |
Q: "What should I do about the issues listed in the Carrier Triage card?"
A: Email us at help@gomalomo.com or reach out to our team!Please review our help article on How to Troubleshoot Carrier Tracking Errors.