Code Block |
{% set data = trigger.getCustomEventData() %} Your order is readynow on the way to goyou! Order {{ data.order.meta.shopify_order.name }} Hi {{ data.order.shipping_address.first_name | default('friend') }}, we'veyour gotpackage greatis news.on the move. Your orderWe’ll hassend beenyou packedanother byemail ourwhen warehouse,your andorder is readyout for pickupdelivery bywith {{ data.properties.carrier_name }}. We’ll let youTracking knowNumber: as soon as it starts to move. Please note that it may take up to 24 hours for detailed tracking information to become available. Tracking Number: <a href=<a href="{{ data.order.url }}">{{ data.properties.tracking_code }}</a> Please note, this shipment may not include all items from your order. Be on the lookout for another email from us regarding the rest of your order! Shipping Address {{ data.order.shipping_address.first_name }} {{ data.order.shipping_address.last_name }} {{ data.order.shipping_address.address1 }} {{ data.order.shipping_address.address2 }} {{ data.order.shipping_address.city }}, {{ data.order.shipping_address.province_code }} {{ data.order.shipping_address.zip }} {{ data.order.shipping_address.country_code }} Estimated Delivery Date {{ data.properties.estimated_delivery_date |date('m/d/Y') | default('An estimated delivery date is not available at this time') }} Shipment Details {{ data.properties.carrier_name | upper }}: <a href="{{ data.order.url }}">{{ data.properties.tracking_code }}</a> |
Code Block |
{% set data = trigger.getCustomEventData() %} Your order is readyour tofor godelivery! Order {{ data.order.meta.shopify_order.name }} HiYour {{ data.order.shipping_address.first_name | default('friend') }}, we've got great news. Your order has been packed by our warehouse, and is ready for pickup by package is now out for delivery with and it will be dropped off later today. We’ll update you as soon as it has arrived. Tracking Number: <a href="{{ data.order.url }}">{{ data.properties.carriertracking_namecode }}.</a> We’ll letPlease younote, knowthis asshipment soonmay asnot itinclude startsall toitems move.from Pleaseyour noteorder. thatBe iton maythe takelookout upfor toanother 24email hoursfrom forus detailedregarding trackingthe informationrest toof becomeyour available.order! Tracking Number:Shipping <aAddress href="{{ data.order.urlshipping_address.first_name }}"> {{ data.properties.tracking_codeorder.shipping_address.last_name }}</a> Please note, this shipment may not include all items from your order. Be on the lookout for another email from us regarding the rest of your order! Shipping Address{{ data.order.shipping_address.address1 }} {{ data.order.shipping_address.address2 }} {{ data.order.shipping_address.city }}, {{ data.order.shipping_address.firstprovince_namecode }} {{ data.order.shipping_address.last_namezip }} {{ data.order.shipping_address.address1country_code }} {{ data.order.shipping_address.address2 }} {{ data.order.shipping_address.city }}, Estimated Delivery Date {{ data.orderproperties.shippingestimated_address.provincedelivery_code }} {{ data.order.shipping_address.zip }} {{ data.order.shipping_address.country_codedate |date('m/d/Y') | default('An estimated delivery date is not available at this time') }} EstimatedShipment Delivery DateDetails {{ data.properties.estimatedcarrier_delivery_date |date('m/d/Y') | default('An estimated delivery date is not available at this time') }} Shipment Details {{ data.properties.carrier_name | name | upper }}: <a href="{{ data.order.url }}">{{ data.properties.tracking_code }}</a> |
Code Block |
{% set data = trigger.getCustomEventData() %} YourFailed orderDelivery is ready to go! Attempt Order {{ data.order.meta.shopify_order.name }} HiLooks like {{ data.orderproperties.shippingcarrier_address.first_name | default('friend') }}, we'vehas gotattempted greatto news.deliver the package Yourwithout ordersuccess. hasPlease beencontinue packedto bycheck ourthe warehouse,tracking andpage is ready for pickupupdates, byand {{ data.properties.carrier_name }}. We’ll let you know as soon as it starts to move. Please note that it may take up to 24 hours for detailed tracking information to become available. Tracking Number: be on the lookout for another notification from us once the package is delivered. Tracking Number: <a href="{{ data.order.url }}">{{ data.properties.tracking_code }}</a> Please note, this shipment may not include all items from your order. Be on the lookout for another email from us regarding the rest of your order! Shipping Address {{ data.order.shipping_address.first_name }} {{ data.order.shipping_address.last_name }} {{ data.order.shipping_address.address1 }} {{ data.order.shipping_address.address2 }} {{ data.order.shipping_address.city }}, {{ data.order.shipping_address.province_code }} {{ data.order.shipping_address.zip }} {{ data.order.shipping_address.country_code }} Estimated Delivery Date {{ data.properties.estimated_delivery_date |date('m/d/Y') | default('An estimated delivery date is not available at this time') }} Shipment Details {{ data.properties.carrier_name | upper }}: <a href="{{ data.order.url }}">{{ data.properties.tracking_code }}</a> |
Code Block |
{% set data = trigger.getCustomEventData() %} Your order was delivered isby ready to go{{ data.properties.carrier_name }}! Order {{ data.order.meta.shopify_order.name }} HiDon’t {{ data.order.shipping_address.first_name | default('friend') }}, we've got great news. Your order has been packed by our warehouse, and is ready for pickup by {{ data.properties.carrier_name }}. We’ll let you know as soon as it starts to move. Please note that it may take up to 24 hours for detailed tracking information to become available. Tracking Number: <a hrefsee your package? Occasionally, carriers mark a package delivered before physically dropping it off. If you don’t receive your order within 24 hours or have any questions, please reply to this email and we’ll be happy to give you a hand. Tracking Number: <a href="{{ data.order.url }}">{{ data.properties.tracking_code }}</a> Please note, this shipment may not include all items from your order. Be on the lookout for another email from us regarding the rest of your order! Shipping Address {{ data.order.shipping_address.first_name }} {{ data.order.shipping_address.last_name }} {{ data.order.shipping_address.address1 }} {{ data.order.shipping_address.address2 }} {{ data.order.shipping_address.city }}, {{ data.order.shipping_address.province_code }} {{ data.order.shipping_address.zip }} {{ data.order.shipping_address.country_code }} Estimated Delivery Date {{ data.properties.estimated_delivery_date |date('m/d/Y') | default('An estimated delivery date is not available at this time') }} Shipment Details {{ data.properties.carrier_name | upper }}: <a href="{{ data.order.url }}">{{ data.properties.tracking_code }}</a> |
Available for Pickup
Code Block |
{% set data = trigger.getCustomEventData() %} Your order is ready to go! Order {{ data.order.meta.shopify_order.name }} Hi {{ data.order.shipping_address.first_name | default('friend') }}, we've got great news. Your order has been packed by our warehouse, and is ready for pickup by {{ data.properties.carrier_name }}. We’ll let you know as soon as it starts to move. Please note that it may take up to 24 hours for detailed tracking information to become available. Tracking Number: <a href="{{ data.order.url }}">{{ data.properties.tracking_code }}</a> Please note, this shipment may not include all items from your order. Be on the lookout for another email from us regarding the rest of your order! Shipping Address }}, {{ data.order.shipping_address.province_code }} {{ data.order.shipping_address.zip }} {{ data.order.shipping_address.firstcountry_namecode }} Delivery Date {{ data.orderproperties.shipping_address.last_nametracker_delivered_at |date('m/d/Y') }} {{ data.order.shipping_address.address1 }} Shipment Details {{ data.orderproperties.shipping_address.address2carrier_name | upper }}: <a href="{{ data.order.shipping_address.cityurl }}, ">{{ data.order.shipping_address.provinceproperties.tracking_code }} {{ data.order.shipping_address.zip }}</a> |
Available for Pickup
Code Block |
{% set data = trigger.getCustomEventData() %} Your order is available for pickup. Order {{ data.order.meta.shippingshopify_addressorder.country_codename }} Estimated Delivery} Date {{ data.properties.estimated_delivery_date |date('m/d/Y') | default('An estimated delivery date is not available at this time') }} Shipment Details {{ data.properties.carrier_name | upper }}carrier_name }} let us know that they have your package and it is now available for pickup at the location listed on the carrier tracking page. Tracking Number: <a href="{{ data.order.url }}">{{ data.properties.tracking_code }}</a> |
Code Block |
{% set data = trigger.getCustomEventData() %} Your order is set readyto return to go!us. Order {{ data.order.meta.shopify_order.name }} Hi {{ data.order.shipping_address.first_name | default('friend')order.name }}, we've gotUnfortunately great news. Your order has been packed by our warehouse, and is ready for pickup by {{ data.properties.carrier_name }}. We’ll let you know as soon as it starts to move. Please note that it may take up to 24 hours for detailed tracking information to become available. Tracking Number: <a href="{{ data.order.url }}">{{ data.properties.tracking_code }}</a> Please note, this shipment may not include all items from your order. Be on the lookout for another email from us regarding the rest of your order! Shipment Details{{ data.properties.carrier_name }} could not deliver your package and they intend to return it to us. This can happen if the shipping address does not exist, is incorrect, or you have moved recently without providing a forwarding address. It can also happen if someone at the address declined to take the package. Please check the shipping address below and reply to this email with any corrections to it. If you don't hear from us soon, please contact us so we can help you get your items. {{ data.properties.carrier_name | upper }} Tracking Number: <a href="{{ data.order.url }}">{{ data.properties.tracking_code }}</a> |