The Malomo Active Orders report allows merchants to easily identify see the current status of all shipments that have yet to be delivered and get ahead of issues in real time. Merchants can quickly identify any carrier tracking issues, understand which carriers are outperforming others and spot what stages of their shipping process are contributing to bottlenecks or current issues.
Key Features
See a complete breakdown of shipment status for your time period, including total percentage by status and the delivery performance by day.
View the active shipments and delivery progression by carrier.
Easily identify the carrier and scale of any unsupported carrier or tracking issues
Filter by different date ranges, transit times, shipment status, carrier and service level to drill down into your shipment data
Customers will need to connect their Shopify account to Malomo. Once connected, Malomo will begin importing all orders Malomo has tracked shipments Malomo is actively tracking into the Shipping Active Orders Report.
The Active Orders report allow users to calculate the following in any given time-frame:
Shipment Status Breakdown (…)
Delivery Performance (…)
Active Shipments by Carriers (…)
Metric | Definition |
Shipments In Flight | Shipments that have yet to be marked delivered broken down by status |
Delivery Performance by Day | Current delivery progress broken down by status and grouped by shipping label creation day |
Total Packages Shipped | Total count of shipments that have were created during the timeframe |
Packages Shipped by Day | Number of packages shipped by carrier broken down by shipping label creation day |
Active Shipments by Carriers | Percentage of total shipments by carrier |
Carrier Triage | List and size of carrier tracking issues detected by carrier |
Exceptions by Carrier | Number of exceptions experienced by carrier |
Shipments in Transit List | Full list of active shipment details |
Users can filter the data in a combination of label created date, shipments status, carrier, package performancecarrier service level, and time frame of delivered in transit data. Filters are “sticky”, meaning users can use any combination of these filters at any time.
Q: “What orders end up showing in the Shipping Report?”
A: All delivered orders with shipments that Malomo receives or tracks will show in this report. Once an order has been delivered, regardless of on-time, early, or late, it will arrive in this report.
Q: "Can I exclude certain types of orders from this report (i.e. pre-sales or wholesale)?"
A: Not at this time. All delivered orders with shipments that Malomo receives or tracks will show in this report. The report can only be filtered by carrier, package performance, and time frame of delivered data at this time
Q: "What should I do about the issues listed in the Carrier Triage card?"
A: Please review our help article on How to Troubleshoot Carrier Tracking Errors.